Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Names, names

Names. The only thing that sticks to you till the end. No matter you want it or not. It is fixed. It is meant to be respected. It is YOURS. Those of you who have nice names out there, well, congratulations. Those of you who have hideous names, I would like to say something: I respect you. Names are meant to be called, remembered and most importantly, respected. This 'gift' is given by your beloved parents. You may be mocking classmates or friends who have funny names, but think twice before doing that. Think that you are insulting angels' gift. Think that you are criticizing mankind's nature. People who have special names are special. Try being nice to them and you'll certainly feel good about it.

Imagine, your first day to school and you;re already everyone's classic joke book. How would you feel? Nice? Pleasant? Comfortable? Happy? Of course not! Respect is what we all need.

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About Me

Puchong, Malaysia, Malaysia
A typical student in SMK BPJ (A). Searching for the meaning of life