Thursday, June 18, 2009

The weather!!

Can't stand the weather these days... They are killing me! 7 o'clock in the morning in school, the sun hasn't yet rise and I can already feel the heat. Can you imagine? What weather! 730 in class. My class has four fans and that is way toooo few. I'm already sweating even though it's just 8 in the MORNING. 10 in the canteen. Way too hot. Everyone shouting and pushing. The intense heat forced my legs to move, to leave the fiery hell. 1030 in class. My friends all having wet backs. Everyone panting. Everyone struggling, cramping themselves under the fan. Even the teachers were all exhausted. 240 at home. I rushed into my room and switched on the air conditioner. Phew... I sat on my bed, thinking. What has happened to our world? Our living place? Is human responsible for this? Of course!! What caused this? Deforestation? Advance in industry? Air conditioners?

I stood up immediately and went for the remote control and switched the air conditioner off. I flicked the main switch off and wiped off the beads of sweat from my forehead.

I thought: At least I did my part...

People should try too. Decrease the amount of air conditioners and aerosol spray. Together, we can save Earth.

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About Me

Puchong, Malaysia, Malaysia
A typical student in SMK BPJ (A). Searching for the meaning of life