Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Mcdonalds and It's Beauties

Obesity. The crisis that is affecting almost the whole world. One of the major reasons why this is happening is because of the fast food intake by most residents. There are many kinds of fast food restaurants around the globe, examples are Wendy's, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Carl's Junior, Popeye's, Mary Brown and A&W. What did I left out? Oh yeah, the famous Mcdonalds! Mcdonalds is currently the most successful and popular fast food restaurant internationally. Mcdonalds dominated most of our countries, our minds, and most importantly, our diet. For any of you out there who doesn't know what Mcdonalds is, it's the famous restaurant with a freaky red haired clown standing outside and inside. Mcdonalds serve approximately 47 million hungry customers daily. Mcdonalds, found in 1940 has been satisfying their customers for decades. This famous fast food restaurant has now become a major factor of obesity. What does obesity cause? It causes heart diseases and other dangerous diseases. Let me bring you to a trip to Mcdonalds. Through the golden arches we go... Be prepared...

I pushed the cold door handle open which has the sign 'pull' on it. The friendly waiter greets me with a sinister grin. He curses me with his normal 'welcome' and looks away. I know I'm hallucinating. I walk slowly down to the counter and stand behind a large body, waiting for my turn. I noticed the person standing in front of me has a abnormally large hip and a terrible body odor. Not to be judgmental or anything, he is killing me. After three long, suffering minutes, finally, my turn. I looked at the cashier straight in the eye, glancing at his name tag. 'Darvin' says the tag. 'Having here or take away, sir?' he asked. '...Having here, please.' I replied with hesitation. 'Ok, may I take your order?' he banged his fingers onto the keyboard. ' Yes please, I would like to have...' I paused and looked at the menu. Each item was attracting my attention like some hungry prisoners ready to be released. Then 1 item caught me. ' 1 large set of Double Cheese Burger, please.' He looked at me then back to his computer. 'Alright sir, ten ringgit and ten cents.' I reached into my pocket and took out an orange note and a small coin. I handed the money to the mischievous looking man. I stood next to the counter awaiting my order. After two meaningless minutes, my tray finally arrived. I carried the loaded brown tray and walked to a nearby table, hands trembling along the way. I slide my food across the yellow oily surface and placed my bottoms comfortably against the yellow seat. I glanced around before opening my burger. I saw Ronald Mcdonald staring at me with his big scary eyes down the corner. I gulped and began to unwrap my burger. It didn't look as satisfying as the picture but it still made me hungry. I closed my eyes and took a bite. Crunch. It tasted sooo good. It made me take another, another and another, until it was all in my stomach. I took a sip at my Coke and moved on to the fries. Ok, according to my experience so far, there are two types of fries: the hard one and the soft one. In the past few years of having Mcd, I notice most people prefer the soft one. This is normal, as me myself too have this preference. Next time when you get a soft one, try squeezing it from top to bottom. You'll witness the flow of enjoyment(Seriously, oil were squirting out like mad). I finished my fries quickly. I noticed the more fries you take in, the thirstier you get. and that's the magic that will force the remaining Coke down your throat. After this satisfying meal, I stood up and walked out the restaurant. Know what? I got hungry again not till an hour later! Amazing, yet scary.

So based on the calorific value which the food in Mcdonalds contain, twice a week is considered quite severe to your health. So from now on, live a healthy life and start Mcdieting!!!

About Me

Puchong, Malaysia, Malaysia
A typical student in SMK BPJ (A). Searching for the meaning of life