Thursday, November 20, 2008

A Mom's Love

"Aiya!!"this particular familiar two-syllable 'word' came from my 51 years old mum. She is considered a very outstanding mum if you ask me, although she nags alot. You most probably have one just like mine and you'll be sighing about this unfortunate gift. Let me ask you something, do you prefer a mum who encourages you to repent from mistakes, or one who bolsters your desire to committing more? Your answers could be different, some will say the first one while some willl say the other. Well, before you decide any answers, I would like to share something with you.

The wind was blowing mildly under a midnight sky where the branches of trees dance and hoots of big-eyed owls could be heard."sui la, wo de haizhi..(sleep, my little ones)"a women at the age of thirty five whispered to her twins, aged two. Then she started to hum lullabies to their soft, tendor ears. This women had been taking care of two babies, carrying two ponderous burdens for two years, alone, as a beggar.
Her ex-spouse, who is now a wealthy businessman working for a grand shipping company, left her and her infants two years ago. The reason? Not because she cheated on him, but the other way round. You will be thinking this as a weird joke, but I'll come back to this later. Back to her. Her eyes flashed open as one of her babies sneezed softly. She took off the torn jacket she was wearing-the only fabric keeping her warm-and wrapped it around them. Despite the chilling weather, she struggled not to sneeze, as the sudden act will wake her babies up. She held her breath until the desire to sneeze was gone. She bit her cold, dry lips and began to make a prayer."Lao tien ye..qiu qiu ni ba zhe tian qi tiao wen ba..(Oh Lord, i beg you to improve this weather, make it warmer)"

Okay, end of story. So what do you think? There's a famous saying"tien xia de ma ma dou shi yi yang de.."which means"every mother on earth are the same", equally stubborn, equally frustrating, equally loving. So from know on, love your mum more than you do now. Besides, what is there to lose?

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About Me

Puchong, Malaysia, Malaysia
A typical student in SMK BPJ (A). Searching for the meaning of life