Friday, November 21, 2008

A Mom's Love II

Here we are again. So you must be wondering what actually happened to that woman I mentioned in 'A mom's Love'. Well, here is the story.

It was a heavy downpour that day. Pedestrians could be seen running here and there, avoiding the gigantic droplets. Noisy footsteps could be heard everywhere.This happened in a minor village near the south China border. The name of the village was special, especially to all the mothers. It was named by the founder of this village,Tak Soon, who is now still surviving as the chief of this particular village. It was a special day--Mother's day. "Hu Yong! Hu yong!", someone called out.The word Hu simply means tiger, while the word Yong represents braveness. "Mei na yu san ma?(Didn't you bring your bring your umbrella?)" Of course, Hu Yong was the woman. "Mei you a! ni you ma?(No I didn't! Did you?)
"Hu Yong replied loudly, hoping her weak voice could overpower the noise of rain banging against objects. A tall man, about two inches taller than Hu Yong ran towards her awkwardly, two umbrellas he was carrying, one on each hand. Hu Yong was a beautiful lady with big blue eyes and velvet skin. "Aiya. Ni zhen wu tu a! Zhi dao yao xia yu le hai bu dai yu san! Haha..(Oh dear, so forgetful of you! You know it's gonna rain but you still didn't bring any umbrellas! Haha..)" the man said out loud, patting Hu Yong on her damp hair. "Xie Xie ni o, Wei Bai!(Thank you so much, Wei Bai)" Hu Yong replied with a broad smile, taking the umbrella from Wei Bai's left hand. The word Wei means haven't while the word Bai means fail. This was two years ago... Soon, they got married.

Okay, so far so good, huh? Let's skip to the night where things ended. Er, I meant started.

Zhe shi sui de kou hong ying!? Wei Bai!(Who's lipstick stain is this!? Wei Bai?)" Hu Yong shouted furiously as she pulls the sleeve of her drunken husband's shirt. "Cao shen me chao? you de zui ni ma xian zai? Shi nu ren!(What are you making noise for? Have I offended you or something? Idiot women!)" shouted Wei Bai. "Hao ba! Gen ni zai yi qi zhen xin ku! Li huen ba!(Alright then! I suffered enough staying with you! Let's divorce!)" Hu Yong screamed furiously, marching out of the door and picked up her twins who were fast asleep and left.

So it ended with a furious women's request and a drunken man's approval. Classic. So Hu Yong and her twins roamed the streets of the village ever since. Sweet ending? A heart breaking one if you ask me.

By the way, the village is known as Mu Ai Chun. Which means Mother's Love Village.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

gd stroy....happy ending oni happened in story will nvr happen in tis world...nvr....

About Me

Puchong, Malaysia, Malaysia
A typical student in SMK BPJ (A). Searching for the meaning of life