Saturday, January 3, 2009

Final Fantasy VIII

So far the Final Fantasy sequel had made a huge impact on the gamers' world. From FFI till FFXII, I would say that Final Fantasy VIII is the best and has the most interesting storyline. The game starts with a short video of a sparring session between the main character-Squall Leonhart/Lionheart and one of the antagonist of the game-Seifer Almasy.
In this video, it states the reason why Squall ended up in the Garden Hospital at the beginning of the game and also the origin of his awesome scar between his forehead and nose. Squall wields a weapon known as a gunblade. It looks like a blade but with a handle like a gun's. There are a variety of gunblades throughout the game, each dealing reasonable damage.Below is a more detailed biography of the chracters.

Squall Leonhart-Squall is the main protagonist of FF8. Starting off in Balamb Garden, he has what is called a gunblade. After getting injured in a sparring session with his gunblade counter part, Seifer, the game begins with him in the Garden Hospital. He is very cold, silent, and at many times unemotional. Throughout the game, his demeanor and attitude changes drastically, as he finds out his history and who he is.

Rinoa Heartilly-Rinoa is the other main protagonist, but we meet her on the SeeD's first project, as she is the leader of a rebel group against the Galbadian president, named the Forest Owls. Rinoa is very sensitive, and caring, and has a bit of mysterious undertow around her. Be prepared for many surprises concerning her character, and also her very interesting relationship with Squall.

Quistis Trepe-Quistis is a SeeD instructor at Balamb Garden, and interesting enough, one of the youngest and quickest to obtain that position. She uses a chain whip, and can be a very powerful character if used correctly. Her beauty created a little following called, "The Trepies." She lacks stern demeanor and is not really the teaching type, but she's always supporting Squall, and throughout the game seems like she really likes him, and appreciates his skills.

Selphie Timmett-Selphie is a transfer student from another garden called Trabia. She's outgoing and sincere, and very sweet. She is running the festival at Balamb Garden. She uses the nonchaku. I didn't find much use from her in battle, but she's a very interesting character.

Zell Dincht-Zell is very emotional and somewhat immature. He gets jeered a lot by Seifer, and seems to be very temperamental. He uses martial arts and combos. His impulsive reactions tend to get him in trouble and undermine correct decisions, but nonetheless, he's a very important character in combat. His hometown is in the city of Balamb, and is where his mother currently lives. Try playing cards with her!

Irvine Kinneas-Irvine uses a gun, and we find him as a sharpshooter for Galbadia Garden when the gang and the forest owls go after President Deling. He is very good around the ladies, but is bad under pressure. I like Irvine quite a bit, and he could be a great asset to your team.

Laguna Loire-Laguna is one of three characters present in a dreamsequence, first happening on the train ride to Timber to meet up with the Forest Owls. It seems to be a past episode. Laguna is a strong leader in these dream sequences, and uses a machine gun. He's part of the Galbadian Army. He's a little tense around the woman he likes, the piano player, Julia.

On the right is the world map of FFVIII.

Overall, FFV
III is a fun game that tests your mentality and gaming skills. Go grab one if you haven't already!


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Puchong, Malaysia, Malaysia
A typical student in SMK BPJ (A). Searching for the meaning of life