Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Problems, Problems

People around us motivates us. Don't you agree? Well, those of you who are hard working may disagree, but those of you who are lazy bums (like me) have to admit, people around you nags about you not studying, not focusing on yours studies or not having a well-organized time table sticking at your bedroom door. Most parents, like mine, will not tolerate our lazy and inactive attitude unless we are doing what they want--holding a book. Not just any books, but those dull text book which we normally yawn at more than we look at. I am a fourteen year old student and still in the middle of the process of learning. I notice that most parents have the same disease, which is one I like to name as HSCS, also known as Highly Sensitive Comparison Syndrome. Don't understand? Maybe I could just shorten this popular disease to only 3 simple syllables--comparing. During my primary studying process, my mum likes to compare me and my friends as if were fresh fishes in the morning market ready to be compared by hungry buyers. I used to scold my mum for doing this but all she does back is just stare at me and orders me to finish my half-way finished dinner.

There is no point asking yourselves to gain knowledge(known as studying) but not doing it. That is just like telling your friend you'll be at his house but didn't. Motivation camps and lecture seminars will not help you unless you help yourself first. Students are facing problems lately. Many, many problems in fact. Disciplinary problems, friendship problems, financial problems, love problems, problems coping with studies(especially those who were from chinese primary schools facing difficulties understanding the new format, which is mostly english and bahasa melayu-based) and many, many more. The problem is not how to avoid these problems, but how to solve it. These problems will occur. It is up to you to solve them, anyhow.

Disciplinary Problems
Lets start with students, shall we? I know I'm still a student but I can tell you, I don't seek for troubles. Students. Mentioned by most people. What are students? What are they suppose to be like? Simple, students should be well disciplined people who seeks knowledge, not for exams, but for their own future. I see students in the school compound running here and there, chasing each other. Ok, you may ask, whats the wrong to that? It's just running. What if I tell you that they continued to run and chase even after the discipline teacher warned them. You may think that those cane-wielding, sour-faced 'guardians' are just there to create trouble. But think, why are they creating these 'troubles'? What if one of the student stumble across a rock a knock his eyes against the pots in the hall? It can cause total, permanent blindness! What if one of the student accidentally smack another students teeth? It can cause serious injuries! So next time, think before you decide to throw cruel words at your teacher.Learn how to respect others and eventually, others will respect you.

Friendship Problems
What ship can never sink? Friendship of course!! Friends are those who supports you, gives you useful advices and even face your problems with you! I encountered a case of serious friend betrayal this year in my class, well, it didn't happen on me of course. It happened on someone very important to me. I'll just make it simple. Her best friend betrayed her with mere lies just to protect herself from being hated. I knew how serious it was because I saw tears from her. Now, a simple lie can cost us many things, yet many people are still committing them(despite the phrase 'liars go to hell')What happened to that girl? Well, she is now back to normal and smiling everyday. Friends are His gifts to us. We should never ever categorize them into friends or best friends. Each of them should be equally treated, equally special. So from now on, treat every single friend of yours fairly.

Financial Problems
Money, money, money. Something that we use to survive every single day. We use it everyday while the bank prints it daily too. In the school compound, money will be the least concern among students as things in school will not be too expensive. Despite parents telling us not to borrow money from others, we do not take the advice seriously. Money can save your lives and can destroy yours at the same time. Many minor and major problems can occur because of money. Students are starting to purchase unnecessary items. Maybe money will not be your cause of headache now, but take one advice, avoid money borrowing and lending. One more thing you can do is start saving and plan for the future. Avoid unnecessary spending too.

Love Problems
Now, here's where things get serious, too serious. All of you will encounter this problem, trust me. Love, what comes first? Feelings? You may be facing this problems yourself, now. Tell you what, some of you met love, some of you are pursuing it and some of you already have the ones you adore but do not have the guts to confess. Everyone have rights to taste love, everyone. What I'm telling you is not to fall too deep into it. Those of you who are quite vulnerable to love but you don't want to accept it, let me recommend a book which is quite useful. I Kissed Dating Goodbye by Joshua Harris. This book can be a huge help.

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About Me

Puchong, Malaysia, Malaysia
A typical student in SMK BPJ (A). Searching for the meaning of life